
StaffJobs 1.5.0

Tested Minecraft Versions:

Manage, organize and set up staff and team jobs without annoying complicated commands.


Target Servertypes

Spoiler: Read more about Servertypes

Download the plugin StaffJobs
Put the plugin into your plugin folder
Start the server (Spigot 1.7.0 - 1.10.0 Java 7/Java 8)
Join and play

Create Jobs, Delete Jobs, Edit Jobs
Set summary, 0-50 description line
Automatically save of creation date and creator
Easy to use Chatmenu user interface instead of commands
Multiple Users can take part in a job or stop working on them
View all Jobs of a single user
Own list of taken jobs.
Users have to memorize only 1 commands /job
Display job list on playerjoin
UUID system, save for namechanges
Permissions to view/take jobs and create jobs
Lang.yml to edit every message/prefix in the menu
MySQL support
Cross server support
Type /job to open the chat menu. You cannot chat anylonger and have to navigate by entering numbers.
Type e to close the menu.

Let's create a simple job. Type 2 to enter the job creator.

After that type 1 to create a new job.

Above you can see the job description and below the possibilities to edit it.
Let's edit the some of the options first. Type 1 to the set the summary.

After you have set the summary. Type 2 to set the description.

As the description has got more than one line you have to add or remove lines to it. Type 1 to add one line.

Then save the job by typing 5.

You have created your first job! Now enter the job market to view it.

Type 1 to view your created jobs and taken jobs.

Or Type 2 to take or not take a job.

Now, you are one of the workers of your own job.

/job - Opens the job chat menu
/jobreload - Reloads config.yml and lang.yml

staffjobs.view- Allows to use the /job command
staffjobs.edit - Allows to enter the job creator
- Allows to use the /jobreload command

Edit MySQL config
Enable/Disable showing jobs on join.
Edit updateing config

Please note that by downloading this plugin you agree to following:
You are not allowed redistribute the origin plugin binary
I am allowed to discontinue any plugin at any time.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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