Sheep BETA

Native Minecraft Version:

I made this plugin with the intention of just providing fun sheep related things. From exploding rainbow sheep all the way to a Nyan Sheep!!! This plugin is still in heavy development.

The Possibilities!!
The possibilities for fun events are endless. You can have players duel with the sheep canon, release a Nyan Sheep to wool-ify your world and have players rat it out and cleanse it. Or even make it so players have to avoid exploding rainbow sheep!

What can I configure?
You can configure everything from the fuse on the exploding rainbow sheep, whether or not the sheep do fire/block dmg and even how much damage/ how big the explosion will be.


Ammount: The amount of ticks before the rainbow sheep explode
sheepballExplosian_Intensity: The intensity of the rainbow sheep explosion
sheepcanonExplosian_Intensity: The intensity of the sheep explosion from the sheep canon
sheepcanonLaunch_Intensity: The velocity at which the sheep get launched from the sheep canon
sheepcanonBlockDmg: Determines whether the sheep canon will do block damage
sheepcanonfireDmg: determines whether the sheep canon will spawn fire
sheepballBlockDmg: Determines whether the rainbow sheep explosions do block damage or not.
sheepballfireDmg: Determines whether the rainbow sheep explosion will spawn fire or not

Planned Features!
A defense sheep: A sheep that mobs try to kill and you have to defend.
Nyan Sheep Boots: Be one with the Nyan Sheep and spread the rainbow!

All in all, I made this plugin just so server owners can run fun light hearted events with their player base. Also, who doesn't like a sheep party!!!!!!!!!!!
First release
Last update
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