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⚔ Ultimate Sheep Wars ⚔ChatBrawl

UltimateSheepWars, is a game in which two teams have to fight with sheep launched. The winner is the last team alive. The sheeps have several abilities. For winning, players can choose a kit and during the war, some boosters will randomly come up.

Official Test Server : (check status)

» Free trial version «

Survey (EN) / Sondage (FR)

Automated World Reset
Sounds, action bars and titles messages
Custom MOTD per Gamestate
Tab header and footer
Ingame Kits
Custom rewards per kill/death/win/loose
Ingame Boosters
Custom Database (for statistics)
Ingame Ranking
Hub redirection when the game is finished
Custom Scoreboard/Messages
Possibility to Sell Kits
No-Flicker Scoreboard
Little surprises on Halloween, Christmass, etc.
Vault/LeaderHeads support
Vote map support

API for developers to create your own sheeps, kits and even boosters ! (click here)

<> = required, () = permission.
/usw ➽ show basic informations.
/usw <page number> ➽ show the help menu.
/usw setlobby (usw.admin) ➽ set the lobby where players will spawn before the game starts.
/usw addbooster (usw.admin) ➽ add a booster at your position to play on your current map.
/usw clearboosters (usw.admin) ➽ clear all saved location for current map's boosters.
/usw addspawn <team> (usw.admin) ➽ add a spawn for a team (blue, red or spec) to play on your current map.
/usw clearspawns <team> (usw.admin) ➽ clear all current map's spawns for a team (blue, red or spec).
/usw start (usw.startgame) ➽ shorten the begin countdown.
/usw give (usw.give or usw.give.self) ➽ give you all sheeps (cheating is bad :p).
/usw give <player> (usw.give or usw.give.other) ➽ give all sheeps to the player.
/usw give * (usw.give or usw.give.all) ➽ give all sheeps to everyone.
/usw kits (usw.developer) ➽ show you all loaded kits.
/usw boosters (usw.developer) ➽ show you all loaded boosters.
/usw sheeps (usw.developer) ➽ show you all loaded sheeps.
NEW! /usw goto <world's directory name> (usw.admin) ➽ teleports you to another world in order to setup it (you can setup several worlds to activate vote mode).

NEW! /usw check (usw.admin) ➽ display a summary to allow you to know which map is setup and if vote mode is enabled.
NEW! /usw setname <display name> (usw.admin) ➽ allow you to change the display name of your map in the vote inventory (This command will change the display name of the map on which you are)
NEW! /usw setsheepvelocity <speed> (usw.admin) ➽ allow you to edit the sheeps launch velocity in order to fit it with the distance between each side of your map (Same as for /usw setname, you have to go to the world you want to edit this setting and type the command)
/stats <player> ➽ show player's records.
/hub ➽ go back hub.
/lang ➽ list all available languages.
Build your map, put it in your server folder and give it "world" as name
Make sure to set the default map's name to "world" in
Put UltimateSheepWars.jar in your plugins folder
Restart your server (never use reload)
On startup, the plugin will backup your world directory to 'sheepwars-maps/sheepwars-lobby'. Even if the map you've build isn't only a lobby. Because, it is "more convenient" to build a lobby, then build the map on which players will be playing and put this map in the directory 'sheepwars-maps'.

But if you want to put the lobby and the structure on which players are g
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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