
OpenSourceSectors 1.1.1

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
Source Code:
oskarscot shitzuu arturekdev
Languages Supported:
english Portuguese Brabantian Deutsch Russian polish

wsparcie niezgody

️This is a Minecraft server plugin (Spigot API) that introduces a sector system that connects one world across multiple servers.

The reason why I released this plugin is because I would like to make combining servers into one to spread out load between them easier. Finally, I am glad to provide the OpenSourceSectors, and everyone is welcome to adjust the code and help make it better by editting the code, adding new features, etc.

If you want to report any bug or request a feature please create a issue github. or join discord

The project actually contains two projects - linker and system. Both are really important for everything to work.

You put OpenSourceSectors_Spigot on each of your sectors, and OpenSourceSectors_BungeeCord on your BungeeCord (or one of it's forks) server.

Both contain useful configurations, and you should check them!


Spigot servers 1.8 - 1.17.1 (as many as you want)
Private address space (for internal communication between servers) (eg.,, etc...)

Usage ✔️
Download the latest stable release from releases page, put the BungeeCord plugin into the BungeeCord Server and configure it, put the Spigot plugin into every Spigot server and configure the master server (look at BungeeCord configuration for more information) and launch all servers.

How it works ❓

Bungeecord becomes a "master server" which provides configuraction for each Spigot server, but you have to set a server-name for each Spigot server and the "master server" configuration (ip, port and password - optional). Once all servers are up and running, everything will be ready to use.

Spigot listeners
Code (Text):


public class PlayerChangeSectorListener implements Listener {

public void onSectorChange(PlayerChangeSectorEvent event) {
event.getPlayer(); // Return player that's trying to change sector
event.getNewSector(); // Return sector, that player is trying to reach
event.getOldSector(); // Return player's sector
event.setCancelled(true); // You can cancel this event. Then player can't change sector
Sectors generator
A simple plugin created for people who want to generate an interactive map of sectors.

BungeeCord configuration
Code (Text):
motd: spawn
address: localhost:25566
restricted: false
motd: North Sector
address: localhost:25567
restricted: false
motd: South Sector
address: localhost:25568
restricted: false
motd: West Sector
address: localhost:25569
restricted: false
motd: East Sector
address: localhost:25570
restricted: false
Config spigot
Code (Text):

# OpenSource Sectors #
# #
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0 #

# Server id provided in BungeeCord plugin configuration
serverId: "sector_01"

# Master server configuration (Provided in BungeeCord plugin)

# Hostname/IP of master server (recommended using private ip address spaces - not available from public network)
hostname: ""

# Port of master server
port: 8180

Config BungeeCord

there must be 4 sectors for the plugin to work, if it is less then the sector map will fall

you have to set the sector coordinates yourself or get the coordinates from the sector generator from the data.js file there are 16 sectors ready, you can take 4 if you want
Code (Text):
# OpenSource Sectors #
# #
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0 #

# Number of blocks before border where building and other stuff is blocked
# Also at this distance a notification will appear on actionbar
protection_distance: 20

# Cooldown in seconds before player will be able to switch between sectors
sector_change_cooldown: 20

# Sends diagnostic statistic to bStats
# Spigot: Sectors/13143
# BungeeCord: Sectors/13144
metrics: true

# Master server configuration (master server is using to configure all endpoints servers and some technical things...)

# Hostname/IP of master server (recommended using private ip address space - not available from public network)
# Master server implementation IS NOT SECURE to bind on public network!!!!!
hostname: ""

# Port of master server
port: 8180

# Encrypt master server traffic (AES-128)
# Delays with sending/receiving data may be occurred due to processing encryption/decryption
# Recommended to keep that value on true to keep all data secure to prevent Man-in-the-middle attack
encrypt_traffic: true

# List of sectors

# Spawn

# BungeeCord server name
name: "spawn"

# World name
world: "world"

# sector location you have to set by yourself
minX: -500
minZ: -500
maxX: 500
maxZ: 500

# Internal server (known also as server-2-server is used to sending data across servers)

# Hostname/IP (recommended using private ip address spaces - not available from public network)
hostname: ""

# Port
port: 8190

# Server #1

# BungeeCord server name
name: "sector_01"

# World name
world: "world"

# sector location you have to set by yourself
minX: -500
minZ: 500
maxX: 500
maxZ: 1500

# Internal server (known also as server-2-server is used to sending data across servers)

# Hostname/IP (recommended using private ip address spaces - not available from public network)
hostname: ""

# Port
port: 8191

# Server #2

# BungeeCord server name
name: "sector_02"

# World name
world: "world"

# sector location you have to set by yourself
minX: -500
minZ: -500
maxX: -1500
maxZ: 500

# Internal server (known also as server-2-server is used to sending data across servers)

# Hostname/IP (recommended using private ip address spaces - not available from public network)
hostname: ""

# Port
port: 8192

# Serwer #3

# Nazwa serwera BungeeCord
nazwa: „sektor_03”

# Nazwa świata
świat: "świat"

# lokalizacja sektora, którą musisz ustawić samodzielnie
minX: 500
minZ: -500
maxX: -500
maxZ: -1500

# Serwer wewnętrzny (znany również jako server-2-server służy do przesyłania danych między serwerami)
serwer wewnętrzny:

# Nazwa hosta/IP (zalecane przy użyciu prywatnych przestrzeni adresów IP - niedostępne z sieci publicznej)
nazwa hosta: „”

# Port
port: 8193

# Serwer #4

# Nazwa serwera BungeeCord
nazwa: „sektor_04”

# Nazwa świata
świat: "świat"

# # lokalizacja sektora, którą musisz ustawić samodzielnie
minX: 500
minZ: 500
maxX: 1500
maxZ: -500

# Serwer wewnętrzny (znany również jako server-2-server służy do przesyłania danych między serwerami)
serwer wewnętrzny:

# Nazwa hosta/IP (zalecane przy użyciu prywatnych przestrzeni adresów IP - niedostępne z sieci publicznej)
nazwa hosta: „”

# Port
port: 8194
możesz dodać wiele sektorów do konfiguracji, po prostu skopiuj #Serwer #4 i podaj #Serwer #5[/B]
możesz dodać do 32 sektorów

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