
No 1.7.0 [1.13+ Version]

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
Source Code:
NoGroundLeafDecay was created to solve a small problem. Some plugins/world generators can place leaves on the ground to give the effect of bushes, but if you remove that plugin, the leaves start to decay. I created this plugin to prevent the future decay of these leaves.

Another instance this plugin can help with is if you use WorldPainter. You can paint a beautiful world and put leaves on the ground to create the effect of bushes in your world, but as soon as you join the world, the leaves start to decay.... well, that's where NoGroundLeafDecay comes to the rescue!

This plugin couldn't be any simpler to use. Simply drop it into your server's plugin folder, restart and you are good to go. No config. No permissions. No commands. Nothing for you to worry about!

I made this simple little to video show that the leaves are persistent and will not decay over time!

Please see the "Version History" tab to find the correct version for your server version. Unmarked versions will support Spigot 1.13.x

Wondering how this works? Here's a little backstory on how leaves work in Minecraft.

Leaves can be placed in your world 2 different ways:
1) Non-Persistent leaves are placed by world generators or plugins, such as EpicWorldGenerator or by apps like WorldPainter.
2) Persistent leaves are placed by a player (ie: a player placing leaves on the ground)

Leaf Persistence:
When a player places leaves on the ground or wherever, they are given the tag "Persistent" .... this means the leaves will never decay.
When a plugin/WorldPainter places leaves, they are not given this tag.... they are always looking for decay possibilities. They look for logs within a 7 block radius, if a log is not present they start to decay. Plugins such as EpicWorldGenerator have built in anti-decay methods, but if you remove the plugin the leaves on the ground will follow their natural path of looking for wood, and if no wood is present they start to decay. If you use a program such as WorldPainter to paint an overlay of leaves on the ground (ex: painting "bushes" around your world) they are not given the persistent tag either, and as soon as you start your server the leaves will start to decay (YEP, that happened to me, which is why I made this plugin)

How This Plugin Works:
Short story, when a LeafDecayEvent starts, it checks the block below it, if the block below is Grass/Dirt/CoarseDirt/Podzol this event will be cancelled and the leaves will be given the Persistence tag, preventing from future checks. I also added a check for 2 blocks below, incase your bushes are stacked up. If these conditions aren't met, the leaves will decay

Please do not use reviews for help. If you post in reviews for support you will not receive support, as I can only reply to your review, and not have a conversation back and forth.

Please use the discussion area for support, I will do my best to help.
I also have a private DISCORD channel for my resource. (Look for the category on the left "Projects-Support")

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