
Mining 3.1

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
Source Code:
Snowadays (Resource Pack + Custom Models)
Donation Link:

Awesome graphics work by: @Blueseph , Owner of mcGalaxy

Mining Lasers is a plugin that I designed and made for my Enhanced Survival server on ResoluteMC.

As of version 2.0 you can now customize the name, lore, and add enchants to lasers using the config.

Plugin prefix can be changed.
Comes with a custom resource pack with models and textures.
Built in blacklist for blocks not able to be broken in survival such as lava, water, bedrock, portals etc.
Lasers act as the player breaking the block. This means it will work with all protection plugins such as world guard, towny, grief prevention etc.
Core protect and block loggers will all work with this plugin since the player is breaking the block.
Admin friendly. The plugin will walk you through all commands.
/laser - If player has the correct permission node this will begin the walk through for giving a laser. If they do not it will show the about section.
/lasers - If player has the correct permission node this is used to reload the plugin's configuration file. If they do not it will show the about section.
Laser.Give - Gives access to giving a laser
Lasers.Reload - Gives access to reloading of the plugin
Lasers.Version - Gives access to plugin and config versions

Download the .zip file.
Extract the file and you will get a folder called "Mining Lasers"
Open this and you will see 2 files. MiningLaers.Jar and (This is the resource Pack)
Stop your server and Upload the MiningLasers.jar
Start your server and let the plugin initalize.
Edit the config how you would like and give out the correct permissions.
Restart your server and you are good to go.
Finally take the and add that to your resource packs folder and either upload it to your servers resource packs or give it to your players.
Enjoy the block breaking of the future.

Please join my discord (, create a ticket and ping Mike3132
First release
Last update
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