
Manhunt+ 1.4.1

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:

The plugin Manhunt+ is a recreation of dream's manhunt game mode. In minecraft manhunt, the speedrunner(s) tries to beat minecraft before the hunter(s) can kill them. Extra features are added in this plugin, including headstarts and a distance counter for the compass. The complete list of features is below.


- Headstart support
- Supports multiple runners
- Custom particle death effects (2+ runners)*
- Distance counter for compass tracking*
- Heal and feed players on start*
- Clear inventories and reset achievements on start*
- Nether tracking compass support
- Nether Fortress tracker handicap for runner(s)*
- Piglin enderpearl drop rate boost handicap for runner(s)*
- Teamchat to talk with your team
- Discord integration including server info commands*
- Win/Loss message and detailed help commands

The * signals that it is configurable through the config file.
Later updates could contain any requested features on my discord. Feel free to join

Code (YAML):
/huntplus: Start a manhunt while giving a headstart, or use for general info on the plugin.
/hunter: Add hunters and remove them along with other uses
/runner: Add speedrunners and remove them along with other uses
Every command has more subcommands, and you can find out their uses in game. In regards to starting a manhunt, please take note: You have to right click the compass for it to start tracking the runner, and have to keep right clicking to update it. The hunter must left click to cycle between runners to track. Keep in mind that 1.16.1 doesn't support nether tracking.

In order to find out uses of commands in game, use the help command. Please don't use "/manhuntplus:<command>", instead just use "/<command>". The first one won't work. Every single command has a help command, (Ex. /huntplus help) and can list you all the subcommands that you need to know.

Below is a list of permissions. These permissions are needed to use commands. A permission plugin does help give these to players.
manhuntplus.* - This permission gives access to every permission in the plugin
manhuntplus.hunter - This permission is needed to be able to use the /hunter command.
manhuntplus.speedrunner - This permission is needed to be able to use the /runner command.
manhuntplus.huntplus - This permission is needed to be able to use the /huntplus command.
You can use permission plugins to manage these ones. If more commands come in the future, then the permissions will also be updated.

1) Download the .jar file

2) Go to your servers plugin's folder and put the plugin in there

3) Restart or start your server

Your server needs to be running Java 8+ for the plugin to function. (Java 8-17 is supported!)


Spoiler: Configuration

Spoiler: Discord Info

Spoiler: Terms of Service

Do you need a minecraft server? Then Apex Hosting is the place for you! They provide top tier high quality servers that run 24/7 and have no lag! There are multiple great priced packages of servers that they have depending on your liking. Be sure to go check out our sponsor!

If you need any help, don't hesitate to join. We will answer your questions as fast as possible, as we are there to help. You can also chat with others and play manhunts with them!

Please report issues in the discord and not in the reviews. If you really love the plugin, consider donating. Anything is appreciated and helps a lot.

Thank You
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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