
DiscordUtils 5.0.1

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
Source Code:
Languages Supported:
Русский, English, Čeština, Español, Português, Magyar
Donation Link:
This plugin enables you to host your own Discord bot on your Minecraft server.

Link your Discord account with your in-game account;
Enable 2-factor authentication using Discord;
Configure 2FA sessions, which can be disabled as needed;
Reward players for being in voice channels;
Access other bot commands, such as checking your server's current online status;
Integrate with a permissions plugin for automatic role assignment and removal in your Discord server;
Customize messages to suit your preferences;
Enable or disable the automatic update checker;
Generate invites in voice channels in-game;
Synchronize nicknames between Discord and in-game;
Display animated bot activity;
Integrate PlaceholderAPI with custom PAPI placeholders;
Create a virtual console on your Discord server for executing commands and viewing the full console log (admins only);
Log events from the Minecraft server to your Discord server, including join, quit, death, and chat events;
Notify verified players about mentions from Discord in-game;
Support for slash commands;
Establish a chat between your Minecraft players and linked Discord users;
Utilize hex colors in customization;
Force specific groups or roles to undergo 2FA;
Choose and download official translations directly from the bot settings file;
Create custom triggers for in-game events;
Set Discord channel names to update every N seconds using PlaceholderAPI placeholders;
Extend the functionality of the plugin with your own addon using DiscordUtils API.

Bot commands list:
~ Discord:
/help — command to access help information;
/link — link your Discord account with your in-game account;
/online — check the current count of online players on your server;
/stats [player] — check your or another player's stats based on PAPI placeholders. If no player is specified, it will output your stats;
/unlink — unlink your in-game account from your server account;
/sudo — execute a server command as a console sender (admins only);
/embed — send an embed message (admins only).
~ Server:
/du help — command for accessing help information (permission -
discordutils.discordutils.help) (aliases: /du h);
/du link — link your Discord account with your in-game account (permission - discordutils.discordutils.link);
/du unlink — unlink your Discord account from your in-game account (permission - discordutils.discordutils.unlink) (aliases: /du ulink);
/du secondfactor — enable/disable 2FA (permission - discordutils.discordutils.secondfactor) (aliases: /du 2fa);
/du sendtodiscord — send an embed message to the Discord server (permission - discordutils.discordutils.sendtodiscord) (aliases: /du sendtodis, /du std, /du stodis, /du stdis);
/du voiceinvite [players] — invite all online players (or only specified players) for conversation in the voice channel (permission - discordutils.discordutils.voiceinvite) (aliases: /du vinvite, /du vcinvite, /du vinv, /du vcinv);
/du getdiscord — get a verified player's Discord (permission - discordutils.discordutils.getdiscord) (aliases: /du gdis, /du gdiscord, /du gd);
/dua reload — reload the configuration files (permission - discordutils.discordutilsadmin.reload) (aliases: /dua rl, /dua rel);
/dua forceunlink — force unlink a player's Discord account from his in-game account (permission - discordutils.discordutilsadmin.forceunlink) (aliases: /dua funlink, /dua fulink, /dua forceulink);
/dua stats — check admin statistics (permission -
discordutils.discordutilsadmin.stats) (aliases: /dua stat);
/dua migrate — migrate from the config/database to your current data manager (this option overwrites the existing users) (permission -
discordutils.discordutilsadmin.migrate) (aliases: /dua mig, /dua migr).

PlaceholderAPI placeholders list:
%discordutils_islinked% — check whether the player is linked or not;
%discordutils_2fa% — check whether the player has 2FA enabled or not;
%discordutils_discord% — gets the Discord of the linked player.

Supported plugins to integrate with:
Vault (supports multiple plugins to integrate with).

Discord bot setup tutorial:

Code (Text):
Code (Text):
implementation 'io.github.mirrerror:discordutils:5.0.1'
Example of API usage: https://github.com/mirrerror/DiscordUtilsAPIUsageExample/tree/main

If you encounter any problems with my plugin and want to receive a free technical support, you can join the plugin's Discord server and create a ticket. I will try to help you as soon as possible. The plugin's Discord server is: https://discord.gg/47txjnVtz7

Donation link (your support is highly appreciated and will greatly motivate me to update the plugin): paypal.me/mirrerror
First release
Last update
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