
Discord 2023-01-26

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
Source Code:
This is the Discord plugin for Minecraft, Created by Tahu964

Prerequisites: A bot has to be available on your server, A channel must be available.

This Bot has a set of features for anyone to explore.

-Discord integration: This whole plugin can be linked to a bot hosted on your server to give real time info on the game world. From the server becoming active to people joining and leaving, this gives you a simpler way of finding out what's going on without having to be there.

-Custom Death messages: Create death messages that spice up your survival world or use the default death messages to add some satirical humor to give you and your friends more to laugh about. Plus, it's all sent to your discord channel of choosing.

-Discord Promotions: Advertise your discord server to players joining the server. Or disable it with a simple command

-Death Counter: Keep track of all of you and your friends' mistakes in game or through discord!

-In-game commands: Ever wanted to tell your friends who aren't online to get on without having to leave the game? Now it's possible to message your friends without having to hop on discord. Plus, with the new built in clock command, reading time has never been easier.

-Discord commands: Died enough times because you joined the server at night? Now you can ask the plugin through discord to give you the current time, so you don't get ambushed on spawn. Plus, you can message the server to tell your friends what's going on through discord

-Configuration: Don't want people in discord blowing up the Minecraft server? Adjust the plugin to choose the settings you want and the settings you don't!

This is my first public plugin. This was made possible using the Spigot development tools, JDA library, Jackson API, and countless hours spent on Spigot forums and stackoverflow (RIP my freetime). Credit goes to where it is due.
Leave a rating if you enjoy!

+How to create a bot for your server:

Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications/me

Click New Application and give it a name

Click Bot on the right

Click Add bot and confirm

Copy the token and save it somewhere where you won't lose it

Click general information on the left

copy the client ID

Paste the client ID where it says CLIENTID and launch the url below

Choose the server you wish to add

Congrats the bot creation is done!

+First time setup

Place plugin in the plugin folder and start the server

If you want to set it up in game. In the console, use the PromotePlayer command to raise your user to moderator.

The plugin should say that "Discord integration is deactivated" in game

there are 2 ways to solve this

Method 1:

use command "AddBotToken <BotToken>" in game or in console

Make sure under discord settings -> advanced that developer mode is on

right click the channel in discord you'd like to add the bot to and click copy ID

then use command "AddTextChannelID <channelID>" in game or in console where channelID is the ID you just copied (multiple channels can be added as long as the bot is present in the servers)

This should add these permanently and you'll be good to go!

Method 2:

Launch the server with the plugin

Turn off the server

Open file named "DBAConfig.yaml", go to the line that says botToken, replace null with the bot token in between quotes that was saved earlier. (make sure to keep the space after the colon)

botToken: "BotToken"

Make sure under discord settings -> advanced that developer mode is on

right click the channel in discord you'd like to add the bot to and click copy ID

Open the file named "DBAConfig.yaml", go to the line that has ChannelList

delete [] and add a new line followed by a minus and a space

add the channel ID's in between quotes (one ID per row please)

- "ChannelID"

Start the server again and you'll be good to go!

Reach out if you have any questions!
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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