
CommandBlocker 4.0.1

This is a simple plugin that allows you to block all /minecraft: and /bukkit: commands.
The event priority for this plugin is set to HIGHEST. For non-developers, this basically means this plugin will override most plugins when handling commands.

This plugin requires CS-CoreLib to run, it will be automatically installed when you install this plugin.

Code (Text):
commands: ## Command list
/minecraft: ## Command to be blocked, must start with a forward slash (/)
permission: minecraft.permission ## Permission to bypass THAT COMMAND ONLY
permission: reload.permission
world-specific: ## World specific list
world: ## World name
/warp: ## Command to be blocked, must start with a forward slash (/), only blocked in that world
permission: world.warp ## Permission to bypass THAT COMMAND ONLY, IN THAT WORLD ONLY
permission: worldnether.warp
block-ops: ## Commands to block from ALL ops. There is no bypass permission for this.
- /op
- /reload
- /stop
- /deop
auto-update: true
You can also customize the message in the messages.yml.

Any ideas you guys have!

This plugin also uses a Metrics-System which collects anonymous data to use for statistics. See more information about this here. You can opt-out of this service can be done by going to plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and set opt-out: true.

All of my plugins utilize the All Rights Reserved license. This means that you cannot modify or redistribute without my permission.

If you give my plugin a bad review because you want something added, the review will be reported and I will not add the requested feature to the plugin.
First release
Last update
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