
ChatRedemptions 1.1.1

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
This plugin can spice up your server so people can trigger things in-game by using an API. That means you can make a discord bot, or even a twitch chat bot like Nightbot or StreamElements trigger things in-game with commands to affect a specific player or all the players!

1. Put the ChatRedemptions-1.1.jar into the plugins folder of your server.
2. Start the server
3. Open the config in plugins\ChatRedemptions\config.yml.
4. First of all, change the pass to something new. This is just for security reasons. I'd recommend just generating a UUID online and using that.
5. Scroll down, change any of the options as you'd like them (if needed).
6. When you scroll down to the redemptions part, there will be a giant paragraph telling you what to do and how to configure redemptions.

To make your bots trigger things, just look through their features to see how you can make the bot make API requests. Many/most modern bots are capable of this.

If you are using a server host (assuming it uses the standard multicraft panel):
1. Click on the advanced tab on the left side.
2. Click on Additional ports.
3. Click add a port.
4. It should add a random port that isn't already in use. Just copy that port and put it for the 'port' value in the config.yml file for the plugin.
5. Save everything and you're done. Just restart the server so it changes to the new port.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to message me (Gaymer#6201) on discord, or join my discord server. I'd be more than willing to help you set it up.

Spoiler: Permissions

Spoiler: Default Config
First release
Last update
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