
Banner 1.3.0-A

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:

Plugin description
Using commands to teleport is a relic of the past. Enhance your survival experience with BannerPortals, allowing you to warp to different places while still keeping the immersion of the game.

Can be used to improve the survival experience, implemented in minigames, navigate players to and away from places of your choice or even simply as a unique feature to make your server stand out. Works with Bukkit and Paper Minecraft servers.

- Works across dimensions
- Extremely customizable messages
- Formatting and color code supported messages
- (Optional) Specify only specific banners to use as portals
- (Optional) Permission to create portals

/bpreload - Reloads the plugin's configuration files
/bpitem - Spawns a banner as defined in item.yml

bannerportals.use - Allows player to use portals. Granted by default unless disabled in settings.yml
bannerportals.create - Allows player to create portals. Granted by default unless disabled in settings.yml
bannerportals.use.bypass - Allows player to bypass teleport cooldown defined in settings.yml
bannerportals.create.bypass - Allows player to bypass creation cooldown defined in settings.yml
bannerportals.admin - Allows player to use all commands

The config is split into settings.yml, messages.yml and item.yml

Code (YAML):
# What a line in messages.yml will start with if you don't want to use messageformat
# For example "Plugin > some message" is the default message
# You can change it to "some message" if you replace the default with the following in messages.yml
# example: "--some message"
negateformat: "--"

# Sets if players require permission "bannerportals.use" to use portals
usepermissions: false

# Sets if players require permission "bannerportals.create" to create portals
createpermissions: false

# Sets if only specific banners will create portals, definted in item.yml
useitem: false

# Sets if portals will only be created if the player is crouching
crouchonly: false

# Sets the cooldown, in seconds, before players can create more portals after linking the previous
cooldown: 0

# Sets the cooldown, in seconds, before players teleport using portals
tpcooldown: 0

# Sets if particles are shown on teleport
tpparticles: true

# Sets the sound effect when a player uses a portal
# Full list of valid sounds can be found here

# Set to the following to disable entry sound
# entrysound: "-"
entrysound: "ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP"
entryvolume: 100.0
entrypitch: 1.0

# Set to the following to disable exit sound
# exitsound: "-"
exitvolume: 100.0
exitpitch: 1.0

# Restores lore of broken portals, if useitem is enabled and lore checks are used in item.yml

# Not recommended to enable, due to the following:
# On server stop, portals placed but not linked will not drop with lore when the server runs again
# Banners broken by physics (explosions, floor breaking due to an external cause) will not drop with lore
# When breaking one portal in a pair, the other breaks and drops as well
# More resource-intensive

# Note that if you want bannerportals to be exclusive (can only be obtained from a shop, lootcrate etc), you can simply set the name to a colored name
# However, if you still insist on using lore and having them reusable, and is alright with aformentioned limitations, go ahead and enable
restorelore: false
Code (YAML):
# The format that all messages will follow unless negated with prefix stated in settings.yml
messageformat: "&eBannerPortals &8> &f{message}"

nopermissions: "You can't use that command!"
usage: "Usage: {usage}"
linked: "Portal successfully linked!"
created: "Portal created"
cooldown: "You can't create portals for {time} more seconds!"
tpcooldown: "You can't use portals for {time} more seconds!"
Code (YAML):
# This file decides what a portal banner will look like
# If item is set to false in settings.yml, ignore this file
# Use /bpitem in game to spawn an example of the item defined here (Make sure to reload the plugin first if you made changes!)

# Sets the type of banner
# Names of banners can be found here
# Make sure to match CASING as well, and to ONLY use banners even though the page has other materials as well
# If you want to allow portals of any banner type, replace with the following
# material: "-"

# Sets the name of banner portals
# Recommended to use color codes (&) if you want to make portals exclusive
# Set to the following if you want to allow all names to be used
# name: "-"
name: "&6Portal Banner"

# Sets the lore of banner portals
# Only enable lore checks if you want your portal banners to be single-use with no mistakes
# If you enable lore checks and a placed portal is broken, it will drop without the lore
# This means that it will not be a portal when placed again
# However, if you insist of having lore checks AND the banners being reusable, take a look at "restorelore" in settings.yml

# Set to the following to disable lore checks
# lore
# - null

- "&bPlace two of these"
- "&band create a portal!"
If you found a bug or have a suggestion, add a comment here.
I am very open to suggestions and feedback and will fix any issue brought up to me very quickly. However, if these are sent to me as a negative review instead of via the link, they will be disregarded.

Satisfied? Leave a review!

What everyone probably wants to see when someone says "portals"
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