

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:


What's StorageCabinet?
With this plugin you can store items, blocks and everything you wish inside of a 3D cabinet. There's 17 custom cabinets (as seen in the image below), every cabinet have his own capacity (slots you can use to store items). The cabinets can be crafted or you can get them by using the /cabinet menu command (you must have the storagecabinet.cmd.menu permission). In the next updates I plan to make every cabinet recipe customisable and also adding more cabinets, so stay tune!
>> Note! This plugin uses a custom texture pack that must be accepted in order to use the plugin. <<

Code (YAML):
##################################################### SETTINGS CONFIGURATION FILE ########

# Enable or disable the debug messages
debug: true
# Allow the hoppers to transport items in the cabinet
hopper_system: true
# Enable or disable the backup system
enabled: true
# The backup it's gonna run every 30 minutes
time: 30
# Enable or disable the particles
drop: true
break: true
place: true
pickup: true
despawn: true
explode: true
itemtocabinet: true
# List of the worlds where the plugin it's gonna be disabled
- world_the_end
# List of the default permissions
command_menu: storagecabinet.cmd.menu
command_get: storagecabinet.cmd.get
command_getid: storagecabinet.cmd.getid
command_preview: storagecabinet.cmd.preview
command_delete: storagecabinet.cmd.delete
command_locate: storagecabinet.cmd.locate
command_reload: storagecabinet.cmd.reload
cabinet_use: storagecabinet.use
cabinet_break: storagecabinet.break
cabinet_place: storagecabinet.place
cabinet_craft: storagecabinet.craft
cabinet_bypass: storagecabinet.bypass
cabinet_use_admin: storagecabinet.use.admin
# List of the recipes, you can disable or enable them and also edit the name or lores
enabled: true
name: "&6&n&kii&r&6&n &e&n&lOAK CABINET&6&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&6&n&kii&r&6&n &e&n&lDARKOAK CABINET&6&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&6&n&kii&r&6&n &e&n&lSPRUCE CABINET&6&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&6&n&kii&r&6&n &e&n&lBIRCH CABINET&6&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&6&n&kii&r&6&n &e&n&lJUNGLE CABINET&6&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&6&n&kii&r&6&n &e&n&lACACIA CABINET&6&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&d&n&kii&r&d&n &5&n&lCRIMSON CABINET&d&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&b&n&kii&r&b&n &3&n&lWARPED CABINET&b&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&7&n&kii&r&7&n &8&n&lCOBBLE CABINET&7&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&8&n&kii&r&8&n &0&n&lCOAL CABINET&8&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&7&n&kii&r&7&n &f&n&lIRON CABINET&7&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&e&n&kii&r&e&n &6&n&lGOLD CABINET&e&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&3&n&kii&r&3&n &b&n&lLAPIS CABINET&3&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&c&n&kii&r&c&n &4&n&lREDSTONE CABINET&c&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&b&n&kii&r&b&n &b&n&lDIAMOND CABINET&b&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&2&n&kii&r&2&n &2&n&lEMERALD CABINET&2&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
enabled: true
name: "&5&n&kii&r&5&n &5&n&lNETHERITE CABINET&5&n &k&nii&r"
- "&a"
- "&7&o>> &3Free Slots: &f{FREE_SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Available Slots: &f{SLOTS}"
- "&7&o>> &3Capacity Left: &f{FREE_SPACE}%"
- "&7&o>> &3ID: &f{ID}"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
# List of the default messages, change them as you wish..
prefix: "&7>>[&c&lStorage&e&lCabinet&7]<<"
- "&7----->>[&c&lStorage&e&lCabinet&7]<<-----"
- "&7&o>> &3/cabinet menu - &8Open the main menu"
- "&7&o>> &3/cabinet get - &8Receive a cabinet with the specified ID"
- "&7&o>> &3/cabinet getid <ID> - &8Get the id of the cabinet you are looking at or by specifying the ID"
- "&7&o>> &3/cabinet locate <ID> - &8Get the cabinet location by specifying the ID"
- "&7&o>> &3/cabinet preview <ID> - &8Open the inventory of the cabinet you are looking at or by specifying the ID"
- "&7&o>> &3/cabinet reload - &8Reload the plugin"
- "&7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
reload: "{PREFIX} &aPlugin have been reloaded successfully."
noperm_craft: "{PREFIX} &cYou don't have permission to craft storage cabinets."
noperm_place: "{PREFIX} &cYou don't have permission to place that cabinet."
already_placed: "{PREFIX} &cThat cabinet have been placed already in another location, use /cabinet locate to find the location."
notplaced: "{PREFIX} &cThe cabinet with the ID: {ID} have not been placed yet."
protinteract: "{PREFIX} &cI'm sorry but you can't access that cabinet here."
protbreak: "{PREFIX} &cI'm sorry but you can't break that cabinet here."
protplace: "{PREFIX} &cI'm sorry but you can't place that cabinet here."
noperm_break: "{PREFIX} &cYou don't have permission to break that cabinet."
noperm_use: "{PREFIX} &cYou don't have permission to interact with that cabinet."
noperm_cmd: "{PREFIX} &cYou don't have permission to use this command."
denypack: "&cYou must accept the texture pack in order to join the server."
receive_cabinet: "{PREFIX} &aYou received &e1 &f{CABINET}&r &awith the ID: &d{ID}"
receive_cabinet_fullinv: "{PREFIX} &cYour inventory was full, &e1 &f{CABINET}&r &cwith the ID: &6{ID} &chave been dropped on the ground."
disabled_world: "{PREFIX} &cThe plugin have been disabled in this world."
specifyid: "{PREFIX} &cInvalid ID, you must specify the ID of the cabinet."
cabinetnotfound: "{PREFIX} &cThe cabinet with the ID: &d{ID} &chave not been found in the database, removing the item..."
cabinetclosing: "{PREFIX} &cPlease wait for the cabinet to close."
nocabinet: "{PREFIX} &cYou must be looking at the cabinet."
idcabinet: "{PREFIX} &dThe cabinet you are looking at has the ID: &e{ID}"
idnotfound: "{PREFIX} &cNo cabinet with the ID: {ID} have been found."
loccabinet: "{PREFIX} &6The cabinet with the ID: &e{ID} &6have been found at the location: &d{LOC}"
previewcabinet: "{PREFIX} &aPreview of the cabinet with the ID: &e{ID} &ahave been open."
deletecabinet: "{PREFIX} &cThe cabinet with the ID: &8{ID} &chave been deleted from the database and location."
maingui_title: "&0&n&l&o>> &0&n&lStorage Cabinets | Choose a cabinet"
cabinetgui_title: "&0&n&l&o>> &0&n&l{TYPE} - Page {PAGE}/{MAX_PAGE}"
cabinetgui_filter: "&0&n&l&o>> &0&n&l{TYPE} - Hopper Settings"
cabinetgui_arrow: "&d&l<= Main Page"
cabinetgui_leftarrow: "&d&l{PREV_PAGE} <= Prev Page"
cabinetgui_rightarrow: "&d&lNext Page => {NEXT_PAGE}"
cabinetgui_alreadyone: "{PREFIX} &cI'm sorry but you can't have more than 1."
cabinetgui_alreadythere: "{PREFIX} &cIt seems like the item &7{ITEM} &chave been already placed in this list."
cabinetgui_hopper: " &3&lCabinet Settings | Filter"
- " &7You can filter the items that gets in or"
- "&7out of the cabinet by specifying them inside"
- "&7of a menu."
- " &7&o>> &3Right-Click to open the filter menu"
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
cabinetgui_out: " &c&lOUT"
- " &7Here you can specify the items you"
- "&7wish to leave the cabinet, you must"
- "&7put a copy of the item in the available"
- "&7slots below."
- " &c&lNOTE: &fOnly the items you specify"
- "&fgonna leave the cabinet, the others are"
- "&fgonna be rejected and remain in the cabinet."
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
cabinetgui_in: " &2&lIN"
- " &7Here you can specify the items you"
- "&7wish to enter the cabinet, you must"
- "&7put a copy of the item in the available"
- "&7slots below."
- " &c&lNOTE: &fOnly the items you specify"
- "&fgonna enter the cabinet, the others are"
- "&fgonna be rejected and remain in the hopper."
- "&8-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"


/cabinet menu - Open the main menu.
/cabinet get <ID> - Receive a cabinet with the specified ID.
/cabinet delete <ID> - Delete the cabinet from database and his location.
/cabinet getid <ID> - Get the id of the cabinet you are looking at or by specifying the ID.
/cabinet locate <ID> - Get the cabinet location by specifying the ID.
/cabinet preview <ID> - Open the inventory of the cabinet you are looking at or by specifying the ID.
/cabinet reload - Reload the plugin and settings.

Ability to transport items in/out of the cabinet by using hoppers. Also there's the ability to filter the items that get's in or out of the cabinet, here's some examples:

Note! This feature can be disabled in the settings file by setting the value of the "hopper_system" line to false.
Backup system (every 30 minutes each cabinet data it's gonna be saved inside the backup folder, the time can be changed in the settings file).
Ability to disable the plugin in some worlds you wish, example:
Ability to craft each cabinet. If you don't want to use a cabinet you can disable his recipe in the settings file, for example we want to disable the netherite cabinet recipe:

In this image we can see i set the "enabled" line to false.
Here I'm gonna put a image with each crafting recipe:
Spoiler: Recipe Images

storagecabinet.cmd.menu - Ability to use the main plugin command.
storagecabinet.cmd.get - Permission to use the /cabinet get <ID> command, receive the cabinet with the specified ID.
storagecabinet.cmd.getid - Permission to use the /cabinet getid command, receive a message with the ID of the cabinet you are looking at.
storagecabinet.cmd.preview - Permission to use the /cabinet preview <ID> command, open the inventory of the cabinet you are looking at or you specified, you are not gonna be able to edit the inventory, only if you have the bypass permission "storagecabinet.use.admin".
storagecabinet.cmd.delete - Permission to use the /cabinet delete <ID> command, delete the storage cabinet from database and also removes it from his location.
storagecabinet.cmd.locate - Permission to use the /cabinet locate <ID> command, you can check if the cabinet have been placed and also get his location in the world.
storagecabinet.cmd.reload - Permission to use the /cabinet reload command, ability to reload the plugin.
storagecabinet.use - Permission to interact with the cabinet.
storagecabinet.break - Permission to break the cabinet.
storagecabinet.place - Permission to place the cabinet.
storagecabinet.craft - Permission to craft the cabinet.
storagecabinet.bypass - This plugin supports Factions, RedProtect and WorldGuard plugins, with this permission you are gonna be able to place, destroy or interact with the cabinet in any situation even if the support does not allow you.
storagecabinet.use.admin - With this permission you are gonna be able to edit the inventory of the cabinet you are previewing, by default it's not allowed to.
Note! These are the default permissions, any permission can be changed as you wish in the settings file.

This plugin supports Factions plugin, RedProtect and WorldGuard, you are not gonna be able to interact, break and place the cabinet in enemy land (if you are not allowed) or regions that does not allow you to build or interact with chests, you can bypass this feature by using the storagecabinet.bypass permission.
You can leave me suggestions and bugs in the discussion section or you can simply join my discord server by clicking the image below:

P.S: Thanks for downloading and trying my plugin, hope you like it! , don't hesitate to leave me suggestions or report any bug, I'm gonna try to fix it asap. Also big update for the PortableFurnace plugin it's coming soon!

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