NamelessMC Website and Plugin Software vVersion 1.0.21

NamelessMC Website and Plugin Software vVersion 1.0.21 vVersion 1.0.21

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Mined submitted a new resource:

NamelessMC Website and Plugin Software vVersion 1.0.21 - A lightweight and powerful website and plugin software you can use for a MC server!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of MCM!

Here I bring you a project that I manage along with Samerton.

NamelessMC is a lightweight and powerful forums software that can be used on virtually any hosting.

It has a super easy installation and we even have a support discord in case you fall into any pits and need help with fixing anything!

Now, you may be wondering as to why people would use this when there are other things you can use to make a forums.

Well, the answer is simple and here are...

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