iumEmote • ItemsAdder add-on

iumEmote • ItemsAdder add-on 0.1

Staff member


Mined submitted a new resource:

iumEmote • ItemsAdder add-on - Decorate your server chat with BetterTTV emotes!

This is not a plugin!
This is an addon for ItemsAdder.

How to install?

• Extract the content of the .zip file inside plugins/ItemsAdder folder

• Use the command " /iazip"

NOTE: (upload the pack on Dropbox if you're using Dropbox and update the config.yml url, then use /iareload to reload the config.yml)

• use the command /iatexture (from the game) to force download the new resourcepack on your game.

• That's all. Now all emotes of your server are ready!

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