1.8-1.16 Hexacord setup Optimized Bungeecord Bungee Staff Chat Bungee Messages v3.0

1.8-1.16 Hexacord setup Optimized Bungeecord Bungee Staff Chat Bungee Messages v3.0 v3.0

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1.8-1.16 Hexacord setup Optimized Bungeecord Bungee Staff Chat Bungee Messages v3.0 - Ever wanted to expand to a network but have more than one version? This can help support that!

- Cross Servers Messaging
- Permissions from bungee that allow the promotion & demotion from console without a restart
- Cross Network StaffChat, nice looking messages with using the chat
- Plugin that makes it so players can do /lobby & /hub
- Custom /glist that is much cleaner than the default config
- Bungee Reporting plugin, clean messaging & spam prevention features
- Cross Server messaging has social-spy & toggle-ability.

Server List Messages:

Staff Chat Message:

Report Message...

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