✨[#1] KnockbackFFA Setup

✨[#1] KnockbackFFA Setup v1.0.0

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Mined submitted a new resource:

✨[#1] KnockbackFFA Setup - Professional knockbackffa setup compatible with [1.8.x - 1.19.x] (made with KnockioFFA)

This is one of the first KnockbackFFA premade setup, this setup include a lot of things, and more thar are in coming on futures updates! this server have cosmetics, 19 maps, and more!

PD: this setup was made with KnockioFFA plugin due to KnockbackFFA minigame has not updates

Kit editor! » Players can edit their own kit

Blocks with animations! » Players can choose the block that they want (Requires rank).

Trail Effects! » Players can choose their particle effect that will display...

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