Voxel AFK | AFK Reward Plugin v1.1

Voxel AFK | AFK Reward Plugin v1.1 v1.1

Voxel AFK " is a versatile plugin designed to work seamlessly across a variety of server environments. Its primary function is to enable players to obtain items or blocks when they enter specific areas, which are defined using the WorldGuard plugin. This can be achieved through simple command execution or by actively mining the items themselves.

Messages: The plugin supports customizable messages, including multi-lined messages with HEX color codes for AFK zone entry notifications. Additionally, it offers the option for action bar messages and title messages.
GUIs: The plugin provides a GUI for the leaderboard, with non-editable GUI item icons. Users can customize item names and menu names.
Hooks: The plugin has the potential to hook into the JetsPrisonMines plugin, enabling the distribution of items as if they were mined. However, the exact method for achieving this functionality may require further investigation, as mentioned in the provided resource link.

and Permission Description
/lofiafk reload lofiafk.reload Reloads the plugin.
/lofiafk status lofiafk.status Indicates whether a player is in an AFK zone or not.
/lofiafk stats lofiafk.stats Displays the amount of time a player has spent in AFK zones.
/lofiafk leaderboard lofiafk.leaderboard Shows the top 10 players who have AFK'd in a graphical user interface (GUI)

Spoiler: config.yml

Spoiler: menus.yml

Spoiler: messages.yml

Spoiler: sounds.yml

Video by zArrowTan

jetPrisonMines - Gain blocks from a certain mine while going AFK. Note, this plugin is paid and does not come when purchasing LofiAFK.
First release
Last update
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