SpaceSellWands | Essentials worth | ShopGuiPlus Support | Multipliers | Uses per wand v0.11.0

SpaceSellWands | Essentials worth | ShopGuiPlus Support | Multipliers | Uses per wand v0.11.0 v0.11.0

How it works:
This plugin creates "wands" that sell chests when said chest is right-clicked with the wand, a handy breakdown message will pop up in chat showing how much was made per item as well if enabled.

Sellwand Example:

Sale Breakdown:

Vault: Required
An Economy plugin: Essentials, iConomy 4,5,6, BOSEconomy 6 & 7, EssentialsEcon, 3Co, MultiCurrency, MineConomy, eWallet, EconXP, CurrencyCore, CraftConomy, AEco, Gringotts

Any of the above economy provider plugins can be used with SpaceSellWands.
A link to the ones compatible with vault

This plugin has hooks into Essentials which allow you to use Essentials worth.yml to supply pricing to the sellwands, this allows you to only type out your prices once instead of having to constantly alter two separate price files. If you don't wish to use the worth.yml you can set your prices through the config at the top.

This plugin also has the option to hook into ShopGuiPlus and use the prices supplied from ShopGuiPlus. This makes building economies simple and easy!

"sellwands.give": this should be given to the players that should be able to give sellwands out. This permission offers a lot of power so I recommend only giving this to a select few.
"sellwands.reload": allows the player to reload the configuration files of SuperSellWands, use this instead of /reload. Once again a very powerful command so only give this to a select few trusted players.

I will be adding more permissions in the future however this is a fairly cut and dry plugin with little need for more than a couple of permissions. If you have suggestions for permissions let me know and I'll see about adding them in!

/sellwands give <ign> <type> [uses] -> This is the basic command to give out sellwands, type refers to the identifier that you labeled that specific sellwand as in your config, I will highlight it later.
/sellwands reload -> This is the best way to reload the plugin as most plugins aren't very /reload friendly.

Spoiler: DefaultConfig
Spoiler: ExampleConfig

Servers this is currently used on:

Side Notes:
I do this in my free time and for fun so I will primarily code things that I enjoy or things that I want to see added to the game. However, I am a people pleaser and I have a lot of free time in between jobs so if you'd like a custom jar or a custom plugin let me know! I will release the source code in the future however I don't feel that the code is pretty enough to release just yet. Expect to see this fairly soon though!
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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