SmartGiants 2.3.9

Tested Minecraft Versions:
Source Code:
I am no longer maintaining this project. The source code is available here:

This is just a fun plugin I made that makes Giants a little more intelligent. I also wanted a bit of experience with maintaining plugins for the public, instead of my own use.

Commands and Permissions:
- /smartgiants - smartgiants.configure - Allows you to configure drops.

Giants will do 5 new things, instead of standing there staring into space.
Follow you if you have an apple in your hand.
Walk around every once in a while.
Look at nearby players.
Look around randomly.
Attack players. (optional)
If you want to do so, you can enable natural spawning of Giants. In 1.8-1.8.8, they will spawn in Plains, Ice Plains, Stone Beach, Extreme Hills, Extreme Hills Plus, and Desert biomes if they are set to spawn in daylight. If they spawn at night, they will spawn wherever monsters can normally spawn. In 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11, if they spawn in daylight, they will spawn anywhere that animals can spawn. If they spawn at night, they will spawn anywhere that monsters can spawn.

Config walkthrough-
Code (Text):

# This plugin and its config are not reloadable.
# Note: This whole plugin is in somewhat of a beta. Use at your own risk.
# Config explanation available here:

#### Behavior Settings ####

# Should Giants be hostile? (If they are not hostile, they can be compared to sheep. Except useless.)
isHostile: false

# How much damage should Giants do? (5.0 damage is 2.5 hearts)
attackDamage: 5.0

# Should attack damage obey game difficulty (higher for hard mode, less for easy mode)?
damageObeyGameDifficulty: true

# Should this plugin handle drops for giants? Turn this off if you want to let something else manage them.
handleDrops: true

# How fast should giants move? This value is used to set the generic attribute. Treat it how you would if you were spawning it in game with NBT data.
movementSpeed: 0.3

# How far away (in blocks) should they be able to see players? This affects following distance for both tempting with apples and attacking players.
followRange: 16.0

# What should the maximum health of giants be?
maxHealth: 100.0

# Should Giants take arrow damage?
giantsTakeArrowDamage: true

# Should Giants take tipped arrow damage?
giantsTakeTippedArrowDamage: true

#### Natural spawn settings. ####

# Let Giants spawn naturally?
naturalSpawns: false

# Spawn frequency (Witch is 5, Zombie is 100)
frequency: 5

# The smallest possible group size that can spawn
minGroupAmount: 1

# The largest possible group size that can spawn
maxGroupAmount: 1

# Should they spawn during day, or at night? (true = During the day, false = At night)
daylight: false

# Which worlds can they spawn in?
# Example -
# worlds:
# - main
# - main_resource
worlds: []
Note: This does not really have a practical purpose, nor am I implying that it does. It is arguably cute though, if you're into that kind of thing.
First release
Last update
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