
SkyPirates 1.0

SkyPirates changes the functionality of boats to act like vehicles. With a few simple commands you can

Fly through the air, left clicking to ascend and right clicking or pressing the sneak key to descend.
Hover over land and sea as a hovercraft
Glide down gracefully with the glider mode, using left click to boost and navigate past dangerous obstacles.
Explore the deep depths of the ocean in submarine more.
Smash through the ground in drill mode, using left click to destroy everything below you after you place your boat on land.
Turning speed is increased for boats and the default mode can run them on land.

Commands and Controls
use /skypirates /sky or /skypi

Please note: the '|' character means you can use the command before or after the '|', and they'll do the same thing. IE. /sky p is the same as /skypirates plane.

/skypirates|skypi|sky plane|p - switches to plane mode.
/skypirates|skypi|sky submarine|sub|s - switches to submarine mode.
/skypirates|skypi|sky hoverboat|hover|h - switches to hoverboat mode.
/skypirates|skypi|sky glider|g - switches to glider mode.
/skypirates|skypi|sky drill|d - switches to drill mode.
/skypirates|skypi|sky (anything) - for normal mode.
/skypirates|skypi|sky clear|c - clears all empty SkyPirates boats. (Might be buggy)
/skypirates|skypi|sky help - lists available modes.
Left click to ascend. Hold the crouch/sneak key to descend or right click to descend while holding a block.

Certain modes have different effects with the controls.

Certain blocks have different abilities when right clicking or pressing the sneak key

arrow -> shoot arrows rapid-fire
TNT -> drop mines and rain death on your foes
diamond -> boost by right clicking or pressing the sneak key
snowblock -> grind to a sudden halt
Passive abilities

Hold coal -> change hover height when in hover mode
Wear a helmet -> breath underwater
SkyPirate is designed to be as easy to use as possible. To change modes, use the SkyPirates command detailed in the commands section of this post. If given the appropriate permissions, every time a player steps into a boat, the default mode will be enabled. Simply swing your arm to jump, and once on land, you will also be able to drive as normal.

Once in flying mode, use arm swings to fly up, and right clicks to head down. The boat controls are otherwise exactly the same. The only limitation is that one must be holding an item while right clicking to go down.

While in submarine mode, the boat will automatically sink slowly towards the bottom. If given the infinite air permission (look below), you will never run out of air. To swim towards the surface, swing your arm in any direction. To drop faster, use right clicks.

Source Code
Source code is on Github

Default Permissions
description: Gives access to all SkyPirates commands
description: stops damage to boat
default: op
description: allows access to the clear command.
default: op
description: enables default functions of SkyPirates. (jumping boat, mode change command access)
default: true
description: gives unlimited air while in submarine mode.
default: true
description: allows a player to change modes.
default: true
description: gives access to the help command.
default: true
description: allows a player to change mode to plane.
default: true
description: allows a player to change mode to submarine.
default: true
description: allows a player to change mode to hoverboat.
default: true
description: allows a player to change mode to glider.
default: true
description: allows a player to change mode to drill.
default: op
description: allows access to item abilities
default: op
description: allows access to item abilities
default: op
description: allows access to item abilities
default: true
description: allows access to item abilities
default: true
description: allows access to item abilities
default: true
description: allows access to item abilities
default: true
First release
Last update
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