NextGenStaff v1.2.2

NextGenStaff v1.2.2 v1.2.2

Introducing the Ultimate Staff Utility Plugin!

Unleash the power of your server with our feature-packed plugin, designed to elevate your staff management experience. Let's delve into the extraordinary capabilities:

Core Features:
ClearChat: Keep your chat clean and clutter-free effortlessly. Permissions, Messages and more all configurable
Advanced StaffChat: Streamline communication among staff members with our advanced chat system. Prefix, permission node, Messages and more are all configurable
Advanced Anti-Swearing: Maintain a professional environment by filtering out inappropriate language. Configure What Swears or words you want blocked Messages and everything all configurable Currently working on a configurable points warning system for swearing that can be toggle off or on as well*
Advanced Anti-Advertising: Safeguard your server against unwanted promotions and advertisements. Configurable Options To Whitelist Certain domains or IPS So that players can only put ips and domains of your choice in the config and block all others that are not in the configuration. NEW - -Now added a warning point system with a configurable option to delegate how many points is worth a punishment. Punishments are Kicks, Temp bans, and bans. This has a built-in punishment system and does not depend on any plugin. You can configure how many points a kick or Temp ban or ban is worth or toggle it off entirely and just continue warning the player to not advertise and their message gets canceled. With no punishment the possibilities are endless. See Config Below. custom punishment messages/ban/kick/tempban messages are configurable to your liking
Advanced Anti-Spam: Say goodbye to spam with our advanced spam prevention mechanisms. Configurable Settings! ** Currently working on a point system for this as well**
Unprecedented Customization:
Permission Nodes: Tailor access rights with precision using Yourservername.yourpermissionname. You create the permission nodes making this a very unique plugin. If your server is named WitchCraft You can do WitchCraft.staff etc Every aspect of our plugin is truly 100% configurable
Message Configuration: From usage messages to no-permission responses and prefixes—customize every aspect to align with your server's unique identity.
CONFIG was revamped
# Staff Chat Config/Language
StaffChatPrefix: "&6F&7S &fCore &8» &7"
StaffChatUsageMessage: "&7&o/Staffchat &6&o<Message|Command>"
StaffChatPermission: "fs.staff"
StaffChatPermissionMessage: "&7You don't have &6&oPermission &7to use this command."
StaffChatPlayerOnlyMessage: "&c&lYou must not be console to use this!"
StaffChatOnMessage: "&7Staffchat &6&oEnabled!"
StaffChatOffMessage: "&7StaffChat &6&oDisabled!"
StaffChatFormat: "%prefix% &a&l%player_name% &8> &c %message%"
# Clear Chat Config/Language
ClearChatPermissionMessage: "&7You don't have &6&oPermission &7to use that command."
ClearChatPermission: "fs.staff"
ClearChatUsageMessage: "&7&o/clearchat <reason>"
ClearChatPrefix: "&6F&7S &fCore &8» "
ClearChatMessage: "&7&oChat was cleared for &6 "
# Advertising Whitelist
kick-points: 3
temp-ban-points: 5
perm-ban-points: 10
temp-ban-duration: 60
kick-message: "&7You have been &6kicked &7for advertising."
temp-ban-message: "&7You have been temporarily banned for &6advertising.\n &7Ban duration:&6 %time%"
perm-ban-message: "&cYou have been permanently banned for advertising."
AntiAdvPrefix: "&7[&cAnti-Adv&7] "
AntiAdvMessage: "&cAdvertising detected!"
# Swears Config/Language
SwearsPrefix: "&6F&7S &fCore &8» "
SwearsMessage: " &7You are not &6&oPermitted &7to swear here!"
- Swear3
- Swear2
- Swear1
# Add the remaining swears as needed
Ongoing Development:
Highly Configurable Anticheat: Currently in development, rigorously tested against the latest hacked clients to ensure fail-safe protection. This will be award winning, Purchasing this resource gives you the opportunity to obtain this when it releases!
Advance Ban/Punishment Management: A sleek GUI and web interface for a seamless and customizable ban and punishment experience. This is ongoing we will have a command usage or gui usage for better Experience! We are currently developing the web aspect. ** Implemented some of our custom punishment system into the anti advertisment** **We are currently working on coding our /ban /unban /tempban /ipban /ipunban commands. With configurable permission nodes, message config and more. We are working on the web interface as well.
Integration with Nameless MC: Collaborating for future integration, enhancing the plugin's capabilities. Nameless Mc is a popular forums resource we will be working with them to bring our plugin web interface to them and sync bans permissions etc!
Affordable Pricing: Despite its expanding features, our plugin remains budget-friendly, offering incredible value for your investment.
Fundamental Support: Your purchases fund the continual growth of this project, ensuring regular updates and cutting-edge features.
Lifetime Access: Purchase with confidence, knowing you'll have access to current and future updates for a lifetime.
Regular Updates: We are committed to regular updates, ensuring your server stays ahead with the latest features and improvements.
Community and Support:
Discord Integration: Connect with us on Discord for support, suggestions, and to witness the community grow. Our Discord:
Custom Plugin Requests: Need something specific? Reach out for custom plugins tailored to your server's unique needs. Join Our Discord and we can discuss more !
We will provide a jar rename for you as well! If you want a unique Plugin name we can change it for you free of charge upon Purchase Verification.
Embrace the future of staff utility plugins – lightweight, all-encompassing, and truly unique. Your server deserves the best, and this plugin aims to be the next award-winning solution.

Invest in excellence. Explore limitless possibilities. Enjoy the journey!
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