NamelessMC Website and Plugin Software vVersion 1.0.21

NamelessMC Website and Plugin Software vVersion 1.0.21 vVersion 1.0.21

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of MCM!

Here I bring you a project that I manage along with Samerton.

NamelessMC is a lightweight and powerful forums software that can be used on virtually any hosting.

It has a super easy installation and we even have a support discord in case you fall into any pits and need help with fixing anything!

Now, you may be wondering as to why people would use this when there are other things you can use to make a forums.

Well, the answer is simple and here are some examples for some backup.

Enjin, for example, is free but it does not come with many options unless you pay a monthly fee to get those features.

NamelessMC has most if not all of Enjin's premuim features and the best part is, we are open source so you can add features of your own!

Another example would be Xenforo.

Xenforo is a very slick looking forums software (I am not going to lie) but it costs $150 to just get a licence and get those features on it. Why pay that much money when you can go through a simple installation and get most of the features you can get from Xenforo but be able to control all the features in it with NamelessMC.

Now, lets get to the fun part.

The NamelessMC team is working on a plugin as we speak and it is to be released really soon.

This plugin will have features such as Integration with the server and forums, live rank integration (PermissionsEX Manager), account creation for the forums right with one command In game, and so much more!

Here is the recent changelog for the most stable version we released a few days ago.

Pre Release Version 2 has been released. New installations can download it from here, and existing installations can upgrade by following the instructions in the AdminCP -> Update tab.
Fix issue with editing user in AdminCP
Prevent non-moderators replying to locked topics
Prevent signature image overflow
Remove unnecessary header template file
Fix registration issue
Fix recaptcha issues in upgrade script
Minor forum updates
Update Mojang API URL
Fix incorrect "last user" information in PMs
Redirect to previous page after login
Allow use of HTML in report content
Add forum labels
Update panels in AdminCP night theme
Small AdminCP label fixes
Update default template Bootstrap version
Update core Bootstrap version
Update profile template
Fix signin issue with numeric usernames
Fix negative reactions not creating
Allow creating new instances of custom DB class
Update AdminCP registrations graph
Change popover placement in AdminCP
Increase query interval
Display success message upon sending PM reply
Update installer and configuration methods
Display errors if unable to create config + cache
Update htaccess
Fix installation detection
Separate core JS into templates
Add maintenance mode
Allow logging in whilst in maintenance mode
Prevent admin account switch in AdminCP
Fix installer not loading
Allow installer translations
Add default database address to installer
Update admin auth screen layout
Remove deprecated mcrypt requirement, along with a now unused function
Fix permission check for configuration file
Add AuthMe integration and Minecraft service status
Fix invalid charset in installer
Fix AdminCP mobile navbar toggler not showing
Update cp_dark.css
Fix AdminCP auth + password changing
Add switch to toggle error reporting
Fix error in 404 page
Update PasswordHash class
Update form tokens
Allow per-user timezones
Add topics and posts to AdminCP overview stats graph
Fix potentially incorrect news ordering
Add card colour for Minecraft service status "Slow"
Define page on register page
Update post editor
Fix minor login/logout issues
Apply GeSHi to new topics and edited posts
Fix AdminCP security log sorting
Add force-HTTPS option to AdminCP
Fix post word wrapping and temporarily disable the code editor
Add Minecraft server query to homepage
Allow editing + deleting Minecraft servers
Fix sub-server queries
Fix invalid MySQL column default value
Fix timezone offsets not displaying minutes correctly
Minor forum SEO improvements
Add contact page, new email class and email errors + testing
Add registration email verification toggle in AdminCP
Add Minecraft server query error logging
Add Minecraft server banners
Allow purging Minecraft query errors
Complete mcassoc integration
Add terms and conditions page, and the ability to modify them
Update installer
Add avatar configuration, including the ability to upload a default avatar
Fix AdminCP -> Minecraft PHP notice
Add forgot password functionality
Add forum topic label permissions
Add forum search
Update Font Awesome

-Github (The Code and beta versions)

First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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