GIItems | Genshin Impact Stats v1.6

GIItems | Genshin Impact Stats v1.6 v1.6

trị> Edit Attribute of Item

/stats <stats> <value> Add to Item

/buff <stats> <value> <time> [người chơi] Buff for Player

/element <element> Add Element to Item

/generator <key> <player> <amount> Get Item from Generator

/heal [heal] [player] Healing

/mana [mana] [player Restore mana

/spawn set Set auto respawn location /spawn Teleport to auto respawn location

/skill elemental set <skillName> [<level>] Set for Item
/skill elemental remove Delete from Item
/skill elemental info <skillName> [<level>] Check info
/skill burst set <skillName> [<level>] Set for Item
/skill burst remove Delete from Item
/skill burst info <skillName > [<level>] Check info

/ability add <abilityName> Add to Item
/ability remove <abilityName> Remove from Item
/ability info <abilityName> Check detail of

/party invite <name> Invite player into Party
/party kick <name> Kick player from Party
/party info Check Party info
/party leave Leave current Party
/party disband Disband current Party

/enhance Item Enhancement
/enhance enhance-gems <player> <level> <amount> Get Enhance Gems
/enhance lucky-gems <player> <amount> Get Lucky Gems
/enhance protect-scroll <player> <amount> Get Protect Scroll

/item save <name> Save item in hand into item.yml
/item delete <name> Delete item from item.yml
/item give <name> [<player>] [<amount>] Get saved item

/modeldata <data> Edit Model Data of Item
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%giitems_health% Show current health
%giitems_max-hp% Show max health
%giitems_attack% Show current attack value
%giitems_defense% Show current defense value
%giitems_stats_<stats name>% Show current Stats value (Ex: %giitems_stats_ELEMENTAL_MASTERY%)

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