FakeAFK 1.3.2


Hate trying to work on your server and getting constantly pestered by players? FakeAFK will resolve this, by adding a command where the plugin will display a fake AFK message for you, and not go un-afk when you move/interact, and will support your rank and nickname in the fake message!

When you enable & disable FakeAFK, titles are displayed to you, and you can edit these in the config.

Commands »
/fakeafk - Shows basic plugin info.
/afkon - Turns fake AFK on.
/afkoff - Turns fake AFK off.
/reloadfakeafk - Reloads config.

Permissions »
fakeafk.* - Grant all permissions for this plugin.
fakeafk.on - Grant permission to use /afkon.
fakeafk.off - Grant permission to use /afkoff.
fakeafk.info - Grant permission to use /fakeafk
fakeafk.reload - Grant permission to use /reloadfakeafk

Configuration »
Code (Text):
# Configuration for FakeAFK.
# Developed by EvenSafe789.
# Support: http://bit.ly/1yEqZCa

# Define titles shown when using FakeAFK.
titledisable: You disabled FakeAFK
titleenable: You enabled FakeAFK

# Define messages shown when using FakeAFK.
cmdenable: You have enabled FakeAFK
cmddisable: You have disabled FakeAFK

Known Bugs »

Please remember to leave a comment if this plugin helped you
First release
Last update
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