DarkVPN - best Anti-VPN [FREE]

DarkVPN - best Anti-VPN [FREE] 1.4.2-stable-hotfix

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An antivpn plugin to filter out people who break the rules or to monetise them as a donation feature.

Tested on versions 1.17+

Tab-complete example:

/darkvpn add - Add ip to cached block-list

/darkvpn flush - clear cached block-list

/darkvpn reload - update config

antivpn.notify (default value) - You will receive notifications in chat with this permission.

antivpn.bypass (default value) - You will bypass the anti-vpn with this permision.

antivpn.command.reload - Access to command /antivpn reload

antivpn.command.flush - Access to command /antivpn flush

antivpn.command.add - Access to command /antivpn add

antivpn.command.remove - Access to command /antivpn remove

The plugin accesses all api asynchronously, which will not cause problems with the main thread.
Support for many popular anti-vpn services, some do not even require keys.
There is a discord webhook system through which you can send notifications of VPN detections.
MiniMessage everywhere.
Caching system (Memory, SqlLite, Redis)

Discord webhook

Plugin config

Customising permission in the config
Commands: reload, add, etc
Notifications in chat for admins
More anti vpn services
Redis and sqlite caching system

You cannot decompile and edit my code.
You cannot share my plugin with friends, relatives, parents and other people without my consent, only your projects.
You may not resell my intellectual property or pass it off as your own.
The code is obfuscated with Zelix to prevent leaks and deobfuscation since many people ignore these rules, no exploits or anything in the code, just to protect the code. (until I save up for a polymart obfuscator) (not actually)
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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