Chat Tags | Tags | MySQL, MongoDB Support | Admin Commands | Tags GUI | More v1.0

Chat Tags | Tags | MySQL, MongoDB Support | Admin Commands | Tags GUI | More v1.0 v1.0

✾ Chat Tags | Tags | MySQL, MongoDB Support | Admin Commands | Tags GUI ✾

What are tags ?

Tags are short exclusive catchy phares, that are added before or after (suffix/prefix) your name in chat. These let your players customize their look in-chat and be distinguishable from other players in public chat.

Why choose this resource any other Tags plugin?

the resource will not undergo owner changes, I do updates that bring content and add community ideas while providing the best possible experience, and it's free.

Tag Editor
➢ Edit tag's prefix or color.
➢ Create a new tag.
➢ Delete an existing tag.
MySQL & MongoDB Support
➢ The plugin uses MySQL or MongoDB to store all the data such as tags, player tags, etc.
➢ The available placeholders are: %chattags_prefix%, %chattags_display-name% and %chattags_identifier%
Tags Inventory GUI
➢ Select between different tags
➢ Equip or unequip a selected or unselected tag.
➢ Switch to different pages.

public void ApplyTagEvent(PlayerApplyTagEvent e) {

TagsManager tag = e.getTag();
Profile profile = e.getProfile();
public void UnapplyTagEvent(PlayerUnapplyTagEvent e) {

TagsManager tag = e.getTag();
Profile profile = e.getProfile();

Admin Commands (Permission: chattags.admin)
➜ /tag create <name> Create a new tag
➜ /tag delete <name> Delete a existing tag
➜ /tag setdisplayname <name> <display name> Set display name for a tag
➜ /tag setprefix <name> <prefix> Set a prefix for a tag
➜ /tag addtag <player> <tag> Give a player access to a tag
➜ /tag removetag <player> <tag> Remove a player's access to a tag
➜ /tag showtags <player> Show all of player's tags
➜ /tag reload Reloads all the configuration files
➜ /tag list Shows the available tags
Members Command
➜ /tags Open a GUI to a player wich it has all the available tags; Aliases: prefix, chattags; No permission required.

Storage Provider
➜ You are required to have a MySQL or MongoDB server
Java Version
➜ Requires Java 8 or higher.

Spoiler: GUI Menu

Spoiler: Tags format
Spoiler: Admin Commands Usages

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Note: If you found any bug or suggestion feel free to contact me on Discord (AbderrahimLach#0564) or Telegram ()
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