ADVANCED PluginHider: Customizable messages and more! v1.1

ADVANCED PluginHider: Customizable messages and more! v1.1 v1.1

Plugin Hider - 1.0
This is a simple and easy-to-use Plugin Hider, to stop players from seeing what plugins the server uses. You can completely customize the message that is shown upon running /pl(ugins)

The base skript was written in a way that you can modify everything, including what commands cause the message.

How to Install
First, you need to put the included Skript file in /plugins and restart the server.

Then, open the .sk file with a Notepad Editor [I recommend Notepad++], and edit all of the messages

These are both the same, except 1 blocks /plugins and the other blocks /pl. Configure the messages as you like.
What /pl normally looks like:
"&fPlugins (# of Plugins): &aPlugin1&f, &aPlugin 2&f, &aPlugin3&f, &aPlugin4" and so on

For Admins: To actually view server plugins you can type /bukkitlugins and use a separate plugin to either block this command to non op's or you can disable it in commands.yml, as you wish.
Enjoy the plugin! (Tip: Copy+Paste the original format to make more scripts like this!)
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