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✯Moderation✯ BerryLogs-MySQL70OFF Lobby/Spawn Fantasy


A Berry Studios product created by Server Moderators to Server Moderators.
BerryLogs is made based on many server owners requests, allowing not only the ability to check their own player logs in game but also to provide their server moderators the ability to check logs.
⚠️ BerryLogs does not support Proxy at the current time (planned) ⚠️
⚠️ Updates notifications & update checker are currently disabled. ⚠️
What BerryLogs Does:
Registers enabled events to the database, on request ( in game command ) provides you with your logs.
✓ In Game Logs
✓ Additional
✓ Ability to have Chat, Commands, Leave, Join, Death & more logs and edit their messages
Purchase BerryLogs
Stop your server and upload BerryLogs.jar
Start your server and ignore the console error regarding MySQL database
Go to BerryLogs/config.yml fill in the MySQL requirements
Stop and Start your server again ( do not use /restart )
BerryLogs should work perfectly!

1. /berrylogs logs (player) (time) [-paste] - berrylogs.logs -| check a player log from a specific time (e.g /berrylogs logs GlobalVillager 0)
2. /berrylogs fullogs (player) [-paste] - berrylogs.fullogs -| check a player's fullogs (e.g /berrylogs fullogs GlobalVillager)
3. /berrylogs help - berrylogs .help -| berrylogs help command
4. / berrylogs reload - berrylogs .reload -| reloads berrylogs ( recommendation: restart server )
5. BERRYLOGS UPDATE NOTIFICATION: berrylogs.notify -| notifies you when there's an update
6. BERRYLOGS ALL COMMANDS ACCESS ( ADMIN ): berrylogs.* or berrylogs.admin -| access to all commands ( not recommended )
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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