
T2C-AliasBungee 1.0.9

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
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Languages Supported:
English, German, Custom
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T2C-Alias-Bungee is currently under development, if you want to use all new features of T2C-Alias, please use the Spigot version!

This plugin is for Bungee Server!

There is also a version directly for the Spigot, which you can find here.

T2C-Alias-Bungee is currently under development, if you want to use all new features of T2C-Alias, please use the Spigot version!

Example: /warp CityBuild -> /CityBuild or /cb

- Execute multiple commands directly with one alias
- Run commands as console
- Run commands as player
- Execute bungee commands
- Admin mode (more info below)
- Alias for the console
- Show messages (more info below)

Admin Mode:
With the admin mudus you can distinguish an alias for players / mods / admins.
For example the alias '/citybuild' executes the command '/warp CityBuild' for players and '/server citybuild' for players with an adjustable permission.
So you could set that players are teleported to a specific position and for example team members / VIPs or so are teleported to the server but to the last position and much more.

Send messages to players:
With this plugin it is possible with an alias to send messages to players with or without TextBuilder.

What is a TextBuilder?
With the TextBuilder it is possible to create messages with hover and clickable messages with actions.

What are the actions?
- OPEN_URL - Opens a URL under the path specified in ActionValue.
- OPEN_FILE - Opens a file under the path specified by ActionValue.
- RUN_COMMAND - Runs the command specified by ActionValue.
- SUGGEST_COMMAND - Inserts the string specified in ActionValue into the player text box.
- CHANGE_PAGE - Changes to the page number in a book specified by ActionValue.
- COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD - Copies the string specified by ActionValue to the player's clipboard.

Console Alias:
It is possible to set an alias for the console.
For example for Paper to reload the server instead of '/reload confirm' just '/rlc'.
Info: There are different functions for an alias for player, admin and console possible.

/t2code-alias | /alias
/alias info - Open the T2C-Alias info. |
/alias reload - Reload the plugin. |

t2code.alias.admin - Permission for all T2C-Alias Commands
t2code.alias.updatemsg - Get a notification when an update is available when joining

- T2CodeLib

Development by JaTiTV:
T2CodeLib - LuckyBox - T2C-OPSecurity - T2C-CommandGUI
T2C-Alias - T2C-AliasBungee - T2C-AutomatedMessages
T2C-AutoResponse - T2C-AllayDuplicate - PaPiTest

Development by Jkobs:
Booster - Invisible ItemFrames - AntiMapCopy - LoreEditor
First release
Last update
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