
Rift 1.0.1

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
Source Code:
cyberpwn, NextdoorPsycho
Donation Link:
Rift is a very simplistic world manager. It does one job and one job only: Manage worlds. Extra features such as per world inventory management, spawn points or environment control are not included. Additional features may be added over time.

Due to the issues with 1.18.X and the bukkit.yml not being properly read, Rift will automatically load up any bukkit.yml worlds define just as it used to work in 1.17 and below.

You can also create worlds with rift to have them managed and loaded up on startup also. Rift will never auto-import a world that was not created with Rift / is not in the bukkit.yml.

This plugin was mostly created to deal with new bugs in spigot / paper / purpur dealing with world setup, not to be the best world generator. If you have any questions, chat with us on discord

Basic Usage
First, be aware that rift will load up your bukkit.yml worlds for you on startup, if bukkit does not do it for you initially. You can use this method to load up worlds if you do not want to use rift commands. Read this.

There is only one permission node: rift.use

/rift list
Lists all worlds detected by rift.
White worlds are loaded worlds but not managed by rift or the bukkit.yml
Magenta worlds are loaded worlds managed by rift
Aqua worlds are loaded worlds by the bukkit.yml (and semi-managed by rift)
Gray worlds are unloaded, but could be loaded
/rift load <world> [generator]
Load a world from disk, optionally specifying a generator though it's not usually needed. Rift will not manage this world, it will simply load it for you.

/rift unload <world>
Kicks every player out of the world into another world, and unloads the world from memory (saving any changes to disk)

/rift delete <world>
Unloads the world if loaded, then deletes all files associated with the world

/rift to <world>
Teleports to the world spawn

/rift import <world> <generator>
Imports a loaded or unloaded world, with a generator and configures it to load on startup with rift

/rift create <world> <generator> [seed] [environment]
Creates a new world using the specified generator, seed and environment if specified.

/rift generators
Lists all generators usable on your server
First release
Last update
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