
PetTransportation 2.0.1

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This plugin was originally created for CweepahCraft, a server on which I spent a lot of time on. It was created by the server's owner, jjm_223, and he has given me permission to update and release it publicly.


Simply throw an egg at a tamed pet (or other mob if allowed by the config) to capture it in a spawn egg. Upon spawning it back in another location, it will keep all its relevant mob data.

Spoiler: Screenshots


Operators have all permissions by default
pt.* - Gives all plugin permissions.
pt.capture - Allows the player to use the capturing mechanic. This permission is given to the player by default.
pt.restore - Allows the player to use a PetTransportation spawn egg. This permission is given to the player by default.
pt.capture.* - Allows the player to capture all mob types.
pt.capture.pets - Allows the player to capture pets owned by them. This permission is given to the player by default.
pt.capture.passive - Allows the player to capture passive mobs and unowned pets. - Allows the player to capture monsters.
pt.override - Allows the player to override pet ownership and capture other players' pets.
pt.updatecheck - Players with this permission will be notified when a new version of the update is available
The plugin's config file enables configuration of the following:
Enable/disable the capturing of passive mobs
Enable/disable the capturing of neutral/hostile mobs (monsters)
Add mobs to a blacklist so they can't be caught (or configure a whitelist of capturable mobs)
Thank you for using the PetTransportation plugin!
If you're enjoying the plugin, please leave a review. If you'd like to fund the continued development of this and other plugins, even just a few cents would be greatly appreciated (I make plugins in my free time alongside a job and college). If you have any suggestions or are having issues with the plugin, make sure to leave a comment here or at the GitHub repository. Happy egging!
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