
BetterTeaming 1.3

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Tested Minecraft Versions:
This is a remake of my older plugin BetterTeaming.

This plugin allows for easier team creation, management, and usage.

Every team starts with /bteams create <id> <display_name>
Use this command, to create your team. You can use color codes in the display_name part using '&' symbol.

To join or leave teams, use either /btjoin <team> or /btleave <team>.
These commands also take in a player as a second argument. You do not have to include your nickname if you are performing the command yourself.

You can also edit the properties of your team using the same /bteams command. It also comes with autocomplete, so It'll be easy to understand.

Displaying teams
Having teams is great, but what do I need the teams for, if I don't see who's in? That's where displaying teams comes in handy.
/btdisplay <team> is used to show all of the players in this team.
Note: Players whose nickname is red are either offline or not found on the server. The green nicknames mean the opposite.

Shuffling players between teams was the main idea of the original plugin, although it worked poorly. Originally, you had 4 scoreboard teams, that the plugin unsuccessfully shuffled players across.

This plugin uses a different system for shuffling players.

To start shuffling players, you'll need to create a Shuffle Group.
A Shuffle Group is a group of teams the plugin will shuffle players between.
All shuffle group-related operations are performed using /btshufflegroup.
Create a new Shuffle Group using /btshufflegroup <create> <id>.
This will create an empty shuffle group for you to use. Now, add some teams to it, /btshufflegroup <addteam> <shufflegroup> <team>
Note: You'll notice, that only the plugin teams appear in the list. We'll talk about scoreboard teams in a later paragraph.

After you've finished, you can use /btshufflegroup <list> <shufflegroup>.

Scoreboard Alternatives
As covered in the previous paragraph, you cannot add scoreboard teams to Shuffle Groups. Something you can do is add scoreboard alternative teams.
Scoreboard Alternative is a scoreboard team, that the shuffled player will be also added to, and which follows the same rules set to the original BT team.
Use /btscoreboardalt <set> <team> <scoreboard_team> to set the alternative.

More on the topic of scoreboard alternatives
You can set maximum capacity to the teams you create, so when the players will be shuffled, more than [defined capacity] won't be added to this team.
This property is also used by the scoreboard alternatives, so if the player is not chosen into team1, he will also not be added to team1's alternative.

Shuffling Process
Now, the interesting part. Shuffling.
Shuffle Group ready, you can use
/btshuffle <shufflegroup> <players>
to shuffle the players.
This command will shuffle all the players provided (you can provide players as arguments after the shuffle group), using the shuffle group settings.

/bteams create test test
- Creating a team test and giving it the same display_name
/bteams edit test maxPlayers 2
- Setting the value of maxPlayers to 2
/btshufflegroup create testsg
- Creating a new shuffle group
/btshufflegroup addteam test
- Adding team test to my shuffle group.
/btshuffle testsg John Mike
- Shuffle John and Mike using testsg

/btempty <team>
Empties a team.

/btemptyall <shuffleGroupID or -all>
Purges the players in the teams of the specified shufflegroup.
Specify -all to empty all teams. Every single one of them, including the scoreboard alternatives.

Thanks for downloading my plugin! Please do tell me of any bugs you encounter. I'll be happy to fix them.

P.S: Ignore the logger prefix being 1.15.2. Originally I was using Bukkit API 1.15.2.
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