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If you want a detailed run-through of all the features in the setup before joining the server, click the extension button below to view a description of all important features.
Spoiler: Setup Overview
1. Is it possible to edit/customize the setup?
The setup is 100% editable meaning that you can edit everything within the setup. All features have been configured using public spigot plugins with documentation to ensure you can edit everything to your liking.
2. Is the setup compatible with ItemsAdder or Oraxen?
The setup does not require ItemsAdder or Oraxen. But the setup is 100% compatible with both ItemsAdder and Oraxen almost plug and play. You can import the setup texturepack to ItemsAdder/Oraxen easily by following the guide on our docs: Link
3. Is the setup compatible with Geyser/Bedrock?
No the setup is not compatible with Geyser or cross-platform. The custom textures does not support Geyser and its not possible to use the setup with the custom textures.
Spoiler: Open Full FAQ
Thanks for viewing our Lifesteal Setup, please join our test server to get the full experience. Contact us on discord if you have any questions about the setup!